Aug 29Liked by Katie Hale

I have absolutely no suggestions but will look forward to hearing which titles you recommend over the next month! I've got my reasons why I can't commit to a book a day, but must admit that it's been an age since I've sat and got through a whole book in one sitting. I need to do that more.

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A book a day is definitely a lot! And I definitely wouldn't be able to commit to it every month. But I'm looking forward to giving it a shot in September!

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Aug 29Liked by Katie Hale

Wow mate, good luck, that’s a lot. I did the Sealy challenge a couple of times and found it really satisfying so hopefully you’ll have a great experience with this. September is evaluating and funding application month for me. In October I plan to press forward with projects started but not yet completed. Time moves so quickly! Big love to you both ❤️❤️🤗🤗

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Thanks - definitely a lot, but hopefully workable, and worth it! I've never managed the Sealey Challenge, but I've always enjoyed watching other people do it. Good luck with applying for funding!

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